Wyrmrest Accord
Moon Guard

Wyrmrest Accord
Moon Guard

About Us

In Character

The world had been saved. The Horde and the Alliance, after decades of near constant warfare, at last settled for a tenuous peace. Across the forests of Kalimdor, the plains of the Eastern Kingdoms, and above the waves of the Great Sea, the world took a steady breath.It was during this time of hope and prosperity that the adventurous band of heroes known as the Horde Brothers realized the need for a more permanent cooperation. As a guild, the group had stood together against the Burning Legion, fought against the Alliance and Old Gods during the Blood War, and traveled beyond the veil to secure the Shadowlands. From the humid isle of Zandalar, down to the depths of Nazjatar, over the dunes of Uldum and beyond life itself, each victory was only possible through incredible cooperation and the efforts of all involved. Heroes, mercenaries, explorers, and adventurers, the wizened band took up the call for peace, uniting with their allies and occasional foes, the seafaring Alliance group known as the Redblade Privateers.Together, Commander Altherion and Captain Rose lead the Violet Vanguard! Heroes of both factions, Alliance and Horde, unified in the purpose of protecting Azeroth at the frontlines! Will you stand with us and defend our world, no matter what threat comes next or where the battle may take us?

Out of Character

We achieved our AOTC goals for Dragonflight seasons 1, 2, and 3 and now look to conquer season 4! Raid takes place every Friday at 5-8:30pm server/PST (8-11:30 EST). We have hit AOTC for multiple tiers in a row and will continue to do so. Though we are not actively seeking recruits for raid given the size of our team, you may still contact Altherion if interested!
<Violet Vanguard> is an RP/PVE adventuring guild that focuses on the ideals of the Horde (and now Alliance too) and the protection of Azeroth.
Our roleplay follows both the World of Warcraft storyline and our own adventures, featuring both combat events and frequent social gatherings. Scheduled roleplay nights are Wednesday and Thursday at 5pm server/PST (8pm EST).As a group of heroes, we have a focus on adventure and exploration, which leads to us traveling all over Azeroth and battling all sorts of dangerous foes.Our goal with roleplay is to create a cast of characters and interesting stories with a friendly, lore abiding community. If roleplay is your main focus and you wish to join, we will ask to meet in-character to make sure we’re a good fit for each other.New RPers are happily welcomed but we ask that you know basic lore and follow current Blizzard canon.Rules
Our guild policies can be found here.





RP Addons

Highly recommended RP addons useful for any RPer.

It makes it easy to keep track of each player's chat messages when there is a lot going on, to help you in a crowded setting, or if you're hosting a scenario for a lot of people.
Total Roleplay 3 (TRP3)
Customize your RP profile in-game and view others' unique profiles.
Emote Splitter
Removes the character limit from your chatbox and lets you paste or type as much text as you want.

RP and Lore Resources

Documents and videos to help flesh out a character.

RP & Lore Readings
Wowpedia, the WoW Encyclopedia
Compendium of WoW RP Guides
Youtube Playlists: Character RP Guides
Horde RP Guides
Alliance RP Guides
Class Roleplay Guides
Youtube Playlists: Lore & History Videos
Azeroth History

PvE Addons

Addons you'll need to do raid and mythics with the guild.

Details! Damage Meter
Track damage and other useful details. Can also track guild keystones.
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) OR BigWigs/LittleWigs
Assists players in tracking and reacting to mechanics in dungeons and raids.
Method Raid Tools
Many raid tools, most importantly notes for fights and healer CDs.
Allows the display of highly customizable graphics on your UI to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information. Find useful WAs on Wago.
Astral Keys
Mythic+ keystone manager for guildies and friends.
Generates a profile for your character to simulate. Use with Raidbots.
If you're a DPS and need assistance with simming, ask away!